Snow Crew


"Snow Crew" is Houston Llew's newest Limited Piece! The piece was completed Friday, January 13th 2023.

Quote on Spiritile: "There's snow crew I'd rather be with."

This single panel has a floating wall mount and measures 24" tall by 14" wide and 2" deep.


Artist Statement

Whether you fly across the country or walk out your back door - you give your crew a shout that you’re headed up the mountain and a reunion is formed.

First chair. Fresh powder. Send it bruh.  (You’re welcome, Brian) 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Jerry, a gaper, or a pro on double blacks, there’s something about the mountain that brings you together. 

Here’s to hoping Houston’s newest Houston Llew Limited piece “Snow Crew” brings a smile and a glimmer of the freshest snow on your best mountain memory! 

Fun story: about a week ago, Houston decided it was time to take the family skiing. With no reservations and no flights, just Houston’s desire to cruise down the mountain side, somehow we were able to make this last minute trip dream come true. Amongst the chaos of planning and execution, Houston found himself engulfed in dreams of fresh powder, new memories and fun family times ahead. Arrangements made to leave Saturday and head to Breckenridge, Colorado - Houston’s favorite mountain - he spent the week in the studio, putting his mountain dreams into vitreous enamel.

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