Trio Series - "Tivoli"



Isn't it a wonder that at the end of the grayest, gloomiest season, nature responds in triumph with brilliant color?

Historically speaking, February has always been my hardest month every year. It's particularly grueling on my need to be outdoors. February is cold, it's gray, the joys of new year celebrations having worn off. I desperately yearn for the first of March, and God forbid it be a leap year to keep the hope of Spring one day more at bay!

I am convinced, though, that without the month of full-on dreary winter to spend in repose, I wouldn't treasure the sheer joy of Spring half so much. I believe nature feels the same. Once winter finally abates, nature springs forth with all exuberance and brilliance. The small and large seeds return to the air in the shape of red tulips, and the world is awake once again. 

This is an exclusive limited edition Houston Llew piece. Houston will only produce up to 100 pieces in this edition. Each panel measures approximately 11.5" tall by 6" wide, for an overall size of approximately 11.5" tall by 18" wide. The piece is only sold as a triptych.

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