Finding the Perfect Work of Art for Your Home April 23 2020, 0 Comments

We are all spending a lot more time at home lately, and in these moments we can appreciate the sanctuaries we all create for ourselves. Our living spaces have a beautiful way of reflecting the spirits of those who occupy them. Your favorite cooking pot you inherited from your grandmother, the seashell you found on that secluded beach, the pet fur on your couch, or that work of art that spoke to you and you had to bring home! These small things can serve as reminders to ourselves about what we value most and what brings a smile to our faces. 

Collecting artwork for your home is another way to add beauty and a personal touch to your everyday surroundings. However, collecting artwork can be a daunting idea to those new to it, and overwhelming to those who don’t know where to start. Finding the perfect work of art should be fun, so here are some easy ways to jump into the adventure!

The most important aspect of collecting artwork is to find and work with a gallery you trust. eBay is great for a lot of things, but collecting art is not one of them! If originality is important to you, steer clear of collecting from a stranger online. As someone once said, if it’s free, it’s either a fake or it’s not free. Working with a gallery you trust and an art consultant you like ensures some very valuable things for you. With the right gallery and art consultant, you come first! An art consultant's job is to work for you to get you quality art at a good price. Our galleries operate with customer service as our number one priority and it is our genuine ambition to brighten the day of every person who comes into the gallery. In addition to working with someone who you trust, you are also working with an expert. Ask your consultant questions, even if they seem stupid; we have an answer! Again, it is an art consultant's job to work with and for you. We are here to resolve problems, answer questions, provide guidance, and make collecting art the fun adventure it is!

Another aspect to consider when finding the perfect work of art for your home is where you want your new piece. Sometimes you have an empty space you need filled, other times you don’t realize you have a space until you are looking at what you want to fill it. However you get there, there are some important things to consider when finding a space in your home for your new work of art. Direct sunlight may damage a painting over a long period of time, so it is best to hang them out of direct sunlight. You can also apply a clear UV protection to your windows to protect your artwork as well! If you are low on wall space, consider a sculpture. One thing to love about sculpture is its ability to move through the home and transform that room's space. Outdoor space also offers fantastic opportunities for displaying artwork. A bronze sculpture is not only safe outside, but it also makes an intriguing transition from the home into the natural world. Your art consultant is your best resource; we are also home decorators and can help you envision what the work will look like in your home. When it comes to finding the right spot, the sky is the limit!

The last important aspect to consider when collecting is what you love and value. The art you collect should be something that sparks joy in you, as you will see it every day! Replace the voice in your head of worries over what other people will think with what you think. Collecting art is a way to reflect yourself in your home. It's an opportunity to gift yourself something beautiful to get lost in every day. Find artwork that brings a smile to your face, brings back a happy memory, or makes you dream of the things to come.

Keep these things in mind next time you join us in one of our galleries or while browsing our online gallery and let us join you on the adventure of collecting art!

Kristof Kosmowski Art